Karen Donohue Fleer was born in Washington, D.C., and spent her first year living in the narrowest house in Georgetown. Her horizons expanded considerably from there. She is the daughter of a writer who remembers listening to the clacking of her father's typewriter almost every day. Now a writer herself, Karen is at work on her first novel. Her blog, The Galley Proof, is her invitation to you to scribble in the margins. When she is way from her antique desk, Karen seeks out strong coffee, sharp minds, dessert menus, first editions, abstract art, high heels, metallic lavender backdrops (that flatter blue-eyed blondes), wild weather, Wilde wit, joyful creativity, the forgiveness of sins and heartfelt affection. Karen imagines a story that takes place very near the sea and is not about to skip ahead to learn how it all turns out.